
A Little About the Blog:

Hello! Thank you for visiting my humble internet dwelling!

My name is Ryan, and I love writing about a bunch of things. Those of you that know me personally, know that I have a bunch of random information about random topics. This is what I hope to share with all of you for no particular reason. On top of this, I plan to just write about whatever happens to be on my mind at the time.  With this in mind, there will be no set topic that I talk about. One post might be about the underappreciated viola, and the next might be about the difference between a clip and a magazine.

Writing is not one of my gifts, so please don’t hold it against me. I am a college student with an extremely busy life, so I might not post frequently. Some of you will not like what I post. I welcome constructive comments on the condition that they are constructive. I know there is virtually no way to escape the incoherent babbling of the people who have nothing better to do than berate the work of others, but please try to only comment constructively.

The Name:

The name “Center Ten” is probably only recognizable to those in the shooting sports. It symbolizes the best shot possible on a 10-point target. The objective  in shooting sports is to strive for perfection and shoot as many center tens as possible. I think this is also a good life goal; to strive for perfection in all that you do in order to live the best life possible.

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