Thursday, December 20, 2012

First Post!!

Greetings and salutations!

Hooray for my first post! I have had a few blogs in the past, but they never lasted more than a few months. I believe, however, that this blog is different. Now that I am in college, I find that I have a lot more thoughts that would fit this kind of atmosphere.

As I said in the “About” section of this blog, most of these posts will consist mostly of me babbling about whatever topic I find interesting. My knowledge base is relatively wide, but not very deep so I welcome any input on all of my posts.

So... for those of you who don’t know me, or don’t know me well, here is a brief list of things about me that can help describe what might be posted in later entries:

1. I am an NCAA Division 1 Rifle Shooter for Murray State University
2. I am left handed
3. My favorite subject is Math/Science
4. I play three instruments (violin, viola, and guitar), of which the viola is the greatest
5. I am an Eagle Scout
6. 95% of all my friends are taller than me
7. I was homeschooled throughout high school
8. My taste in music is weird. I love country, barbershop, classical (mainly romantic period), and bluegrass.
9. Green is the best color in the world
10. I love to read books
11. ^ has inspired me to write a novel (in progress)
12. I love Spring
13. My beagle is 14 years old and a couch-potato
14. I am an anti-abortion pro-gun Christian conservative guy from Tennessee
15. I had bright orange hair as a child
16. Cooking makes me happy
17. I believe in quality over quantity
18. I hope to shoot in the Olympics some day
19. I read Manga

20. I enjoy having random knowledge

21. I love to make things

To borrow a line from one of the greatest shows ever (Frasier), “Whether our journey together lasts for years or just for one day, I can't tell you how excited I am to take this first step with you.”

1 comment:

  1. Copycat! haha but I like what you did with the place. ;) This is going to be fun! I'm excited for you.
